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How Does Loadshedding Damage My Appliances & What Can I Do to Prevent It?

Updated: May 25

Loadshedding is a common occurrence in South Africa, where Eskom temporarily cuts power to specific areas to balance the power grid during peak usage times. We all know that load shedding can negatively affect your appliances, and many of us have probably experienced the loss of household appliances due to load shedding by now. Since insurance companies are now excluding load-shedding damages from claims, we’ve decided to discuss how load-shedding can damage your appliances and what you can do to prevent it.

How Does Loadshedding Damage Appliances?

Loadshedding can damage your appliances in a few ways:

  • Voltage fluctuations and surges: Sudden power cuts can cause voltage fluctuations and surges, which can damage sensitive electronic components in your appliances. When power is restored, there can be a surge of electricity that can overload your appliances and cause damage to them.

  • Power interruptions: Loadshedding can cause interruptions in power, leading to problems with appliances that rely on a continuous power supply, such as computers or refrigerators.


What Appliances Are at Risk of Damage Because of Loadshedding?

All appliances can be at risk during load-shedding, but some are more vulnerable than others:

  • Sensitive electronics: Computers, televisions, and other electronics are particularly sensitive to voltage fluctuations and surges, putting them at higher risk of damage.

  • Continuous power supply appliances: Refrigerators, air conditioners, and water pumps rely on a continuous power supply. These appliances can suffer damage or malfunction if the power supply is interrupted for too long.

How Can I Protect My Appliances During Loadshedding?

There are several steps you can take to protect your appliances during load shedding:

Unplug Sensitive Electronics

To protect sensitive electronics such as computers, televisions, and audio equipment, it's best to unplug them during load-shedding. This will prevent voltage fluctuations and surges from damaging the electronic components.

Use Surge Protectors

Surge protectors are devices designed to protect your appliances from voltage fluctuations and surges. By using surge protectors, you can protect your appliances from damage when the power returns after load shedding.

Invest in a Backup Power Supply

Investing in a backup power supply, such as a generator or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), can help protect your appliances during power cuts. A UPS can provide a continuous power supply to your appliances when the power is turned off, without interrupting their functioning. A generator, whether programmed to turn on automatically or manually, will temporarily interrupt the power supply but will re-power the appliance once running.


Turn Off Appliances During Loadshedding

To protect your appliances from power interruptions, it's best to turn them off during load-shedding. This will prevent any sudden surges of electricity from damaging your appliances when power is restored.

How Can I Protect My Appliances During Loadshedding?

There are several steps you can take to protect your appliances during load-shedding:

Unplug Sensitive Electronics

To protect sensitive electronics such as computers, televisions, and audio equipment, it's best to unplug them during load-shedding. This will prevent voltage fluctuations and surges from damaging the electronic components.

Use Surge Protectors

Surge protectors are devices designed to protect your appliances from voltage fluctuations and surges. By using surge protectors, you can protect your appliances from damage when the power returns after load shedding.

How Brite Lighting & Electrical Can Help You Safeguard Your Appliances

Brite offers a wide range of products that can help protect your appliances. Here are some of our solutions:

  • Surge Protection Plug Tops

  • Surge Protectors For DB Boards

  • Surge Protected Multiplugs

  • Aircon Surge Protectors

  • Surge Protector Plug Adaptors

  • Surge Protection Extensions


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